Having served nearly 48 years in prison for a murder which he denies having committed, it appears that today Ray Gray will be released from prison! Several innocence organizations, including Proving Innocence, believe he is telling the truth. Legally speaking, this is not an exoneration, but that means little to Ray, his wife, Barbe, and the many other supporters Ray has gathered over the years.
Val Newman, director of the Wayne County Conviction Integrity Unit, said that this is not an exoneration. Having considering the controversy surrounding this case, an affidavit from one witness, now dead, who claims Ray did not do it, considering the number of years Ray has served, 48, "in the interest of justice and fairness", the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office has agreed to accept a plea of no contest to second-degree murder. Pleading "No Contest" is not exactly admitting one's guilt, but saying that one will not contest the verdict. Making this plea, Wayne County agrees to release him. Ray can live out his remaining years as a free man.
For a wonderful 5-minute presentation on Ray Gray and his case, see the video below:
Ray's supporters do not believe today is the most just legal action, but everyone agrees that Ray should not continue in prison. Ray deserves all the support we can give.