As a way of honoring the 9th Annual International Wrongful Conviction Day, the Justice & Society Learning Community of Wayne State University under the direction of Prof. Charles Klahm of the Criminal Justice Department called upon three exonerees to share with the students and others who attended. Each exoneree both told their own story but also gave inspiring calls to action for students to get involved now and not wait until they graduate. Ken Nixon stated that it was law students who helped free him.
We provide you with the video so you can hear for yourselves their stories. This is an excellent occasion to expose others to the state of our criminal justice system in the United States from authentic voices sharing their journey. For your convenience, the contents are listed below the video.
Introduction Beginning
Ken Nixon 2:34
Marvin Cotton 10:30
Darrell Siggers 21:00
Topics addressed by all three exonerees 45:20
An attempt will be made to remove the crackling noise from the video.