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After a 2 year investigation, the state CIU will not disclose their findings

From our inception, we have been supporters of Temujin Kensu and have carried on an active investigation of the murder of Scott Maclem, for which Temujin was wrongfully convicted over 36 years ago. There have been so many steps along the way that gave us hope, only to be dashed upon the rocks of legal technicalities and out-and-out bias toward an incarcerated individual who has been critical of the Michigan Department of Corrections. His actual innocence seems to not be a concern to Michigan's criminal justice system.

Most recently, we had hope when the State Conviction Integrity Unit, headed by Attorney General Dana Nessel, agreed to investigate Temujin's case. It lasted for two full years, headed up by the most experienced lawyer in the state for overturning wrongful convictions, Valerie Newman. Ms Newman's primary job is directing the Wayne County CIU but was asked by the State to run this investigation. At the end of a two-year investigation, Dana Nessel dismissed Temujin's application without a single comment about his innocence or guilt! Not a single outside person or group has looked into Temujin's case and come to any conclusion other than his innocence. We are confident that the State CIU did, as well. But they are saying NOTHING.

Read board member David Sander's media release detailing how a State organization committed to transparency has remained suspiciously silent after a two-year investigation and even got a judge to declare such information to be off-limits for a FOIA request.

You may download the two-page release here.


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